Sunday 4 March 2018

Sunday Again

I like my Sundays 'cos they are very lazy days in my house. Both my humans are home with me and there is never any housework so there is always plenty of time for me. The old dear did have to go out for a little while and I was all ready waiting for her to come home with one of my cuddles to warm her up because it is freezing cold on my little island although most of the snow has gone away now.

I am a wee bit sad at that but I am looking forward to it being not just so freezing and my little weather man friend said it might get better soon. I have been out once or twice but it is so cold that I am having to use up all my energy inside my house playing with my humans.

I don't have a lot of news because my days are just all the same just now, but I hope you are all OK and not too cold with all this weather.

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