Thursday 1 June 2017


... what a start to my day! I have one word for you and you will understand completely. VET!

Me and my MH got up early and I did think it rather odd when she wouldn't open the window to let me out and then she tooked me into the kitchen and shut all the doors. I must admit that I thought the old dear was going a bit funny, but I soon found out why she was doing all this 'cos a wee while later the vet lady and her ginormous needle arrived and yours truly had nowhere to hide!

She was a nice lady and talked to me and told me I was beautiful so I was a bit happier until I saw the aforementioned needle appearing and I cuddled up into my MH who was holding me. I scrunched my little eyes tight shut and was very brave as she stuck it into me and my MH told me I was brilliant.

The vet lady then looked at all the bits of me and listened to my adorable little heart which was going like a drum 'cos I was a wee bit very nervous but when she was all finished, she said I was in tip top condition and away she went.

All the doors and windows got opened and I have spent the day playing outside and sleeping on my couch so I have had a very good day eventually!

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