Sunday 12 February 2017

A Good Puss

That's what I have been today. The little monkey in me was having a rest and the very good me was on show all day 'cos this was a special day. It was my MH's birthday and I couldn't be naughty on that, could I? Just wait till tomorrow, though!

There were lots of visitors in my house today to see the old dear and I liked that 'cos they all made a fuss of me and stroked me and told me I was lovely, and that made me very happy. When my friend S. came, I made her smile 'cos I played with my little ball and she thought I looked so cute running all over my living room with it, and then I chased my MH's folder so that she couldn't do any more work. I may not be able to speak, but I can certainly make myself known!

It is quite cold on my little island but it is nice to be able to get out to play and I have been in and out lots today,so I have had a very good day and I hope your day has been very good too.

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