Saturday 14 May 2016

A Cool Day

But not 'cool' in a good way. No, it has been cool in a cold way and after all the lovely days we have had, me and my humans are not best pleased, but my little weather man friend said that there is a lot of cold air coming to us from way up in the north of the world, so I am hoping it might go back again and let me enjoy some more warm times. Please?

I did go out for a short while last night but just long enough to see the little lambs and then I went home again and as soon as I went in, my DH put off all the lights and went to bed, so that was me in for the night. It was not what I had intended but when the humans are a-bed, there is no point in arguing with them. That I have learned!

It has been a quite and a lazy day, but me and the old dear did nip into the gym for a while and she caught me having this lovely stretch again---and that was before I even went near the treadmill! Hee hee

I am being abandoned this evening 'cos they are going to a party in the Hall and as usual, I can't go. It was my friend S.'s birthday a while ago, but she was on holiday and decided to have a party tonight, so they are off and I am to be left in the house and as the wind is blowing, the window will have to be closed. Ho hum

I guess I shall just have to have a snooze till they come home and then I shall get out for a while,I hope. I shall tell you tomorrow.

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