Saturday 9 January 2016

Oh Dear

The weather is not getting any better on my little island and I for one am getting a tad peeved with all this rain. It has poured all day and I have just sat on my window sill looking out, but every time my MH opened the window, I jumped down just in case she decided to throw me out! I don't take any chances!

I finally managed to get out for quite a wee while after my dinner and I was quite glad to get some fresh air into my little lungs, but my adorable little feets didn't like being so wet. I guess we need to think about boots again? I tend to think that I might look rather fetching but my humans are not so sure.

However, I was able to use up lots of energy by asking my MH to play with me and as usual, the old dear obliged. And how did I ask, I hear you ask. Well, do you remember that I used to have chimes on one of my windows which I delicately clattered when I wanted attention? Well,(again) I sort of annoyed my humans a tad with all my clattering, so they shifted said chimes onto the other window and I don't normally sit at that one. BUT, when I am in desperate need of something, like out to play, or a feed or someone to play with me, I nip up on to that window, gently ring the little chimes and my MH leaps to attention and this is when I am very clever. If I am hungry I run into the kitchen but if I want someone to play with me, then I just run over to my toys and sit and wait for my humans to join me. Now is that clever, or not! Yep, clever.

So, that was my afternoon. Playing very happily with the old dear and playing on my rocking chair and then outside for a while and now I am having a snooze on my couch and I may venture out again later on. My little weather man friend has told me I probably won't be out playing tomorrow 'cos the big gale is coming back. Sigh!

To say I am a tad peeved is a bit of an understatement. I know I am being a wee bit selfish 'cos I am very well and me and my humans are safe and warm and dry, but we have been watching all the people who are being flooded and we are so very sorry for them and I know that my moaning sounds a wee bit not important, but then I am just a puss cat and it is important to me. See?

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