Sunday 27 December 2015


.... if Sundays at my house are normally quiet, this one was double quiet 'cos we were all relaxing and enjoying the holiday time.

When me and my MH wakened up, we saw that it was a lovely day, so as soon as I had hoovered up all my breakfast---well, I WAS hungry!--- I nipped out the window and enjoyed the lovely fresh air. It was good being out especially when my DH came out a wee while later to do something to his car, so I watched him very carefully just in case I ever want a car of my very own, although I have only ever been in my DH's car when I have been in my cage to go to the V-E-T. Yukk! Maybe I won't have a car after all 'cos they might expect me to take myself to the vet!

I was happy out playing but it is still a little cold, so I didn't stay out too long and then when I went inside I just had to find my MH and there was a cuddle waiting for me which I loved.

I spent a lot of time watching mt DH 'cos Santa brought him a growed-up meccano set and he is building a big water wheel and sometimes I just sit and watch him but I have no idea what it is going to look like. As soon as I know, you will know too 'cos I will ask my MH to put a picture on for you.

So, that has been my day. A very good one, I must say. I am really liking this holiday time and I hope it last a long, long time.

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