Wednesday 15 July 2015


You know what that means, don't you? Yes. My humans are back to me so I am back to you. Oh, my dear friends, I am so very, very happy.

I have had a very good time with my friend A. and as usual, he looked after me very well and I showed him that I appreciated that, but you know it's not the same and I miss my humans, but they are back.

They have travelled hundreds and hundreds of miles just to come home to me and they are a bit tired tonight, so this is just a quick message to you to let you know I am very well and tonight I am very, very happy.

There are no pictures of yours truly 'cos my MH's camera is full of Greece she said. Will that not make it slippy? I said and she smiled,but she didn't tell me so maybe there will never be any more pictures of me which would be very sad for you. Sure it would?

I shall have words with the old dear and let you know tomorrow, 'cos I AM BACK !!!

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