Monday 11 May 2015

A Funny Old Day

When my DH skipped away to the Cat Shop my MH told me that as it was a good day we would do the washing and she would hang it up on the clothes rope and I was so excited 'cos I knew it meant that I could run up and down the clothes pole while my MH was watching me. I waited very patiently while she put all the clothes in the machine and then I lay on the back of my couch while she ran all over the house with the vacuum cleaner and finally it was out time!

Off we toddled across the grass and even before the old dear got anywhere near the clothes poles yours truly was at the top of one. I could see for miles and miles and I was nearly as high as some of the starlings who were a wee bit surprised when they saw me up there. It was lovely and so when she was finished, my MH played with me for a long time and we both loved it lots.

When we went inside, she still had some work to do, but that was OK 'cos I knew that we would need to back out to the garden to bring the washing in and I could have more plays, so I was quite content. But then, disaster! The sun went away and the rain came on and my poor old MH had to go racing into the garden to bring in all the clothes before they got soaking wet again. I decided to let her do that bit on her own! Well, I didn't want to get in her way. I know she appreciated my thoughtfulness and I did give her a big purr when she came back in again.

The rest of our day wet off without any more hitches and by the time my DH came home again, we had all our work finished and we had managed a play together as well. So it has been quite a good day, but we are hoping that tomorrow will be warm and sunny so that we can get out to play in my garden.

Paws and fingers crossed!

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