Monday 27 April 2015

What a shock

As it was Monday, it meant that my DH was going to the Cat Shop so we were all up quite early and as the sun was sort of shining, I was looking forward to getting out to play. So I gobbled up my dinner as fast as I possibly could and asked to be let out. My MH opened the door and I raced out of my kitchen, right through the porch and on to the step where I came to such a halt that my little back paws slided into my little front ones! My MH was in fits laughing at me and then she saw why I had stopped. It was snowing! Yes, there was white, wet snow on my path and my adorable little paws didn't want to go on it 'cos it was cold and wet. Booo.

My poor old DH had to go out in it and my MH tooked this picture to let you see what it looked like. There are some cows in the picture but these are not the Daisys. These are other cows and they belong to another nice farmer man, but they are not my friends. I don't mean they are bad cows. It's just that they are so far away from my house that I don't go to see them so they don't know me. I am sure they are just as nice as the Daisys and maybe one day, I will pack a little picnic and go to see them. Maybe.

I did go out quite a few times but just for a wee while at a time 'cos it was cold but at least it had stopped snowing and the ground wasn't just as cold so my little feets were a bit happier. Me and my MH went out to feed the birdies and then we tooked her little legs into the gym where they played on the treadmill until it was time to go inside again and I sat on the back of my chair and watched all the little birdies coming to get their dinner. Me and my MH had a play together and then we had a long sit on the couch until my DH came home again and told us all the things he had been doing at the Cat Shop.

It hasn't snowed any more but it is still a wee bit cold. However, after I have had a good long rest on my couch, I shall go out and visit the Daisys and see if they are OK. I must ask them if they know the other lady cows 'cos maybe they could introduce me. I know you think I am a bouncing little puss, and usually I am, but I am a wee bit shy and don't like to push myself forward.

Believe that if you like!

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