Saturday 7 February 2015

I Wonder ....

... why does being adored make yours truly so tired? As you know, I had an absolutely brilliant day yesterday sitting on lots of knees and being stroked and cuddled and adored and I just loved it, but today I have been the tiredest little puss in the world. In fact I gave my dear old MH quite a fright today 'cos she couldn't find me and she knew I was in my house somewhere. She just didn't know where! So she had to keep looking for me and she finally discovered me lying all snuggled up between the two pillows on the spare room bed sound asleep and she said I just looked so cute. Naturally!

This isn't me on the bed 'cos my MH didn't want to disturb me. This is me having another of my many power naps on my couch!

It has not been a very good day on my little island 'cos it has been wet and windy and my MH is desperate to take her new hip outside. I think she want to show it our dear little island but the weather still hasn't been good enough. Maybe tomorrow. So instead of being outside, me and her just lay on our bed and we did some more exercises while my DH made the dinner for us and that made the old dear very happy.

We have had a good day and I even got a wee play with my MH which was very good, and although she couldn't get out, I nipped out of my window quite a few times and had a wee sniff all over my garden and that was good fun but I was a bit cold so I didn't stay outside too long and went back into the warm of my house and found lots of cuddles waiting for me which was just lovely.

I have discovered that cuddles make me not tired any more so that's good, sure it is?

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