Thursday 12 February 2015

Happy Birthday MH

What a brilliant day we have all had. It is my MH's birthday today and it is a special birthday for her so me and my DH have been spoiling her even more than usual. I gave my DH all of my hard earned paw-kit money and he got her some perfume from me and she loved it so much I got the biggest cuddle ever!

We all went into the garden again this morning and I watched as my MH wandered up and down our path and she was very happy so me and my DH were very happy too. In the afternoon I got a great big surprise 'cos some of the ladies from the island came to my house to wish my dear old MH a happy birthday and I had a very good time while they all sat and chatted 'cos I just wandered in and out of my house and when I was in there were lots of knees for me to choose from and you know that always makes me very happy. They were in my house for a long time and between you and me, sometimes I had to go out to give my adorable little lugs some peace 'cos there was a lot of talking going on! The ladies brought her lots of presents too, but I think she liked mine the bestest 'cos she didn't cuddle them like she cuddled me! See?

I had a wee rest when everybody went away and then after my dinner I went out to play again and I think I will be going outside later on 'cos it is a fine night on my little island and you all know how much I just love being out in the dark and when it is not winding a lot my humans can leave the window open for me so I can come home whenever I want.

And that always makes me very happy.

I hope you are happy too.

1 comment:

  1. Please wish your MH a belated Happy Birthday, Squeak. I am glad you had such a nice day, and I am sure your MH did too.
