Sunday 9 November 2014

Oh Dear

Me and my MH are a bit sad today 'cos we were watching the tennis, but Andy didn't win and that made us a wee bit not very happy. Maybe he will win all the rest of his matches. We were shouting as loud as we could without getting complaints from my DH or all the people who were passing my window on the Hamnavoe! Hee hee

And talking of windows. I thought I would send you this picture of me sitting on my window sill so that you can see the lovely view I have of the sea. See? I love sitting there and if the weather is OK, my MH leaves the window open and I sit with my adorable little derriere inside my house while my equally adorable little front feets are on the outside and I am the contentest little puss in the en-tire world.

From there I can watch all the big boats and the littler ones and I can also watch the birdies when they come to me for their dinner. And do you know what I saw one day? No, of course you don't 'cos I haven't told you yet, but I shall. I was sitting there sort of half awake and dreaming of birdies and food and tummy tickles and things like that, when a cheeky little mouse ran up the pole that the birdie feeder stands on and went right into the feeder for some dinner. I know I should have been angry, but it did make me smile and the little mouse must have been hungry. But he wasn't when he ran down the pole again!

I didn't see my friend S. today 'cos she was busy, but maybe I will see her some other time this week. My MH told that my humans don't have very much to do this week and she doesn't need to go off my little island and that makes me happy. I will spend the evening making a list of all the things I want us to do together and I know that will make her happy too.

We had a play on the floor with my toys this afternoon and that was good, but now it is just about dinner time for us and then I shall be heading out into the wilderness that is my adorable little island and I shall play there until it is bed time for me and the old dears.

Ah yes, life chez Squeak is rather good, and I hope life with you is good too.

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