Friday 28 November 2014

Friday Again...

... and still nothing very much to report. Me and my MH were up before seven o'clock again this morning and yours truly stuck my adorable little nose out of the door, but as soon as it got rained on, I was back on my couch again!

My DH is feeling a wee bit better today and my MH isn't sounding as croaky as she did yesterday so I think that my nursing has paid off and I am sure that by tomorrow they will be back to normal again, although they have just told me that they are going out partying again tonight, and I am not best pleased!

It was my friend M.'s birthday last Sunday and she is having a big party tonight in the Hall and everybody on the island is going, but not us animals. Why do we never get invited? My party manners are very good and I would keep them amused with all my adorable little antics. Sigh!

However, my dear old MH has promised that I will have her undivided attention ALL weekend, so I shall spend this evening making a long list of all the things that I want her and me to do and I shall present it to her tonight when she comes home to me.

You see, she will be feeling guilty then and will promise me anything at all! Oh, am I a clever little puss or what?

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