Wednesday 12 November 2014

Awww, Bless

I have two sleepy pictures for you today because I haven't really done much more than that. I have had plenty of company although my MH was out for a couple of hours this morning as usual, but my DH didn't go to the Cat Shop so he was here with me and we keept one another company.

I was all ready for a great big cuddle when the old dear came home and she told me that when I run to meet her it is the very bestest feeling in the en-tire world for her.

The weather hasn't been very good on my little island and I know that it is winter time, so I don't expect to get out as much and I shall just have to accept that, but as long as my humans play with me inside my house, I shall be quite happy. Me and the old dear haven't been going to the gym as much 'cos her little legs are a bit sore, but I heard her telling the old boy that she will need to start and do some more exercise soon. SO,I thought that I might ask her nicely to put the treadmill on quite slowly and I could run on that while she is on her bike. Good idea, eh? I am NOT wearing a track suit, but I might get a sweat band for my adorable little lugs. Oh my dear friends, can you picture it? Nope, neither can I!!!

I know I won't get out as much during the day times, but no matter what the weather is, I HAVE to get out last thing at night and once I have had my after-dinner nap on my couch, I disappear into the night and I don't come home until the wee sma' hours and I am afraid that the old dear just worries about me until I am home safely 'cos sometimes the weather is very bad and I think she is frightened I might get blowed away.

However, I have always managed to get home safely thank goodness, so that will be my plan for the rest of the winter. Play with the humans in the afternoon, a wee run on the treadmill some afternoons and then out terrorising my neighbourhood at night.

Sounds like a plan to me.

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