Friday 21 November 2014

And So....

.... we are at Friday again and me and my dear old MH were up in the middle of the night so she could go to our Post Office. I am quite liking being up at that time 'cos my little island is very quiet, but it is so, so dark! I have an early breakfast and then I nip out to play for five or ten minutes before I go back inside and say bye bye as my MH goes away. There is only one slight problem with this early start and that is that I am getting used to it, so even on the mornings when she doesn't need to go out, I still waken and because I think she has just forgotten,I waken her up too. In a caring way, of course, but for some reason she is not best pleased! Oh dear.

I have been having great fun in my bathroom on these mornings. I go in with the old dear and while she is getting all clean, I sit on the wash hand basin and clunk the shower switch against the wall. Oh my dear friends, I had forgotten the wonderful noise it makes and I am just loving doing it. My MH says she will take the camera in with her one morning, but to be honest I don't think she will be awake enough to do that!

Both my humans are going out tonight as it is the island Harvest Home and everybody goes to the Hall to have their dinner and then they all dance and have a wee drink, so yours truly will be left all on my ownsome for a while, but I don't mind really 'cos I know they will come back to me soon and I will get lots of cuddles.

And you know how much I love my cuddles!!

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