Wednesday 15 October 2014

Naughty and Nice

That's what today's pictures are. You know I am normally a very good puss, but sometimes I do things which are a bit on the naughty side, although it is just normal pussy cat things so that has to be accepted, sure it has?

Well, when we were all outside yesterday I nipped away to be all alone for a while, but my MH came looking for me---- just to make sure I was OK---- and I am afraid she found me doing what I shouldn't have been doing in my DH's strawberry tray. Oops! I am afraid the humans weren't best pleased, but they understood and forgave me.

The other picture is a nice picture of yours truly, but then again, most of the pictures of yours truly ARE nice ones, are they not? Is my modesty showing again? My MH says me and her have got lots and lots of modesty and that's why everybody loves us. Hee hee

I have had a lovely day today and it has been a wee bit out of the ordinary 'cos I got a surprise visit from my friend S. and she normally just comes to see me at the weekend. It had been a normal Wednesday up till then with my DH going away to the Cat shop and my MH going out for a while, but then it was lovely when S. came to see me and to give me a special cuddle. She said the reason was to bring some cake to my MH, but we all know the true story, don't we? Oops, more modesty!!

I have had a good rest this afternoon after all my cuddles and I am now ready to hit the big wide world and spread my loveliness all round my little animal friends!

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