Monday 13 October 2014

Another Crackin' Day

The weather has been good on my little island today and that has meant that I have been able to get outside just as much as I wanted. Oh goody.

Because it was Monday, my DH waved bye bye to me and my MH and sailed away on the boat to go to the Cat Shop and my MH said hello to her vacuum cleaner and started to do all her housework, but before she did that, she opened the door for me and just left it open which meant I could sit on the carpet in my porch and watch what was going on outside and I liked that.

The old dear and the vacuum ran all over my house and when she was finished with that machine, she took out the steamer and cleaned my kitchen floor, so I had to make sure that my adorable little paws were all clean before I went back inside my house.

We didn't have any visitors today, but my MH had to go out for a while so I asked her if I could stay in my garden while she was away, and of course she agreed, but she left the window open for me in case I got tired or in case the rain came on. However, I didn't and it didn't (get tired, or rained!) so I stayed out all the time, and I was sitting like a little garden ornament when she comed home again. She said hello to me then stroked my head and told me she had missed me and was happy to be home again, and I was very happy to see her.

We sat on my couch and she told me what she had been doing and then it was time for my DH to come home so we all had a chat before me and him went into our greenhouse to have a look at our tomatoes, and we gave the Boss a big surprise when we brought some more into the house for her. I had another look at them and then I asked her to take a picture so that you could see them too. Here it is just for you.

I am very proud of my little tomatoes and I think me and my DH have been very clever this year. I am sure my MH thinks so too.

It is now snoozing time for this puss cat, but I know that I shall be outside until very late tonight 'cos the weather is still good and it is just the kind of night that I love.


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