Thursday 9 October 2014

An Odd Day

I have been very fine but it has been rather an odd day Chez Squeak. My DH went away to Kirkwall to get some messages for him and me and my MH and while he was away, my MH went out too so I was a bit lonely. It was a bit strange 'cos my MH usually does her work on a Thursday but she didn't do it today.

I had a play outside before she went away and I made her smile again. I think I make the old dear smile at least once every single day and I like that. Anyway, I had nipped out of my window just before she went out and as she was going to her little car, she thought there was something wrong with me as I was standing so very, very still like a statue and so she asked me what was wrong but I still never moved and then she saw why.

From my path I can see the road that goes right round my little island and this morning one of my friends was walking her doggy on the road and that's what I was staring at. The doggy couldn't see me, but I didn't want to move in case that changed. Mind you, the road is quite far away from my house, so by the time the doggy had reached me---if it had wanted to, or been allowed to---I could have been under the bed hiding! So, I was quite safe really. I was just taking no chances at all and this made my MH smile but then she started to laugh when I decided to go inside my house 'cos I had crouched down so far that my adorable little tummy was almost scraping the chips on my path! Oh, that would have been painful, sure it would? It was quite funny really, but a puss has to be very careful.

We had a good afternoon and I was able to play one of my favourite hide and seek games on top of my bed when my MH comed home to me. We were in the kitchen and I did one of my funny runs into my bedroom and I was delighted to see that herself had remembered what that meant and she followed me in. I think I have done a fantastic job in training the humans, as even my DH has remembered some of the signs. He is not just as good as The Boss and she sometimes has to remind him, but I guess that 50% plus isn't bad at all.

Anyway, in she came beside me and I dived under my blanket and let her roll me up in it and then she tickled me and I just loved it millions and millions. We played hide and seek then, but I am afraid I haven't been able to train my silly wagger to be still and when my MH pretended she couldn't see me when I was hiding under my blanket, my silly old tail wagged and gave the game away! But it made us both giggle and it was a super duper game anyway.

So, although it has been an odd day in some ways, it has been a really good day and I am looking forward to tomorrow and I hope you are to.

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