Friday 16 May 2014

A Better Day

I have had a much better day today and that is mainly due to the fact that the weather is a lot more to my liking and I have been outside a lot looking for more mouses but I haven't found any---yet!

I did go outside last night but only for a short time 'cos it was cold and damp so by the time I nipped into bed beside my MH I was a wee bit wet and I don't think she really appreciated my cuddle.

Both my humans had to go out this afternoon, but my MH played with me when she came home and that made up for all the hours that I was left all alone and sad and lonely with nobody to talk to and nobody to cuddle me. Can you hear the violins yet? Hee hee They were only away for about three and a half hours and the window was open so I could do what I wanted, but I just like to play the sympathy card every now and then.

It was a bit wet and windy at tea time but it is a much better evening so I shall be heading out into my happy hunting grounds in a while after I have had my snooze and I shall see what I can find. There are lots of mouses out there just waiting to be talked to ------ or catched---depending on the mood I am in.

I shall let you know tomorrow.

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