Wednesday 12 February 2014


It has been a good day Chez Squeak and we are all very happy. My DH wakened my MH up by singing happy birthday to her, which I must admit, wasn't the best start to my day 'cos my DH can't sing, but he was trying. If you ask my MH, she will say he is ALWAYS trying!! Hee hee Anyway, she did smile and thank him and I gave her a special Squeak purr and a big cuddle and then I asked her to feed me.

Well, I can only go so long on an empty tummy, and it was so empty it was grumbling, and a grumbling tummy is not a happy tummy! My DH went away to the Cat shop and my MH had to go out for a while, so I sat on my window sill and looked out for a while before I lay down and waited for the OLD dear to come home again.

I didn't have to wait too long and in she came and then something really funny happened. She was in a great big hurry to go to the bathroom and so she just put her coat on the floor until she came back out and when she did, she looked round for me but she couldn't find me, so she called my name. I gave a wee squeak so she could hear me, but she still didn't see me so I squeaked a wee bit louder and finally the silly old MH looked DOWN and there I was. Sitting on her coat! Her coat is black and as you know, I am a lot black so I sort of blended in and the poor old soul didn't see me until I wriggled and then she laughed and picked me up and cuddled me and I heaved a sigh of relief! I was getting a wee bit worried.

I let her have a rest on my couch and I rested with her and she told me what she had been doing and then we both got down on the floor and played with my toys before she put her Wii on and it was then I got into a wee bit of big trouble.

She was playing tennis and between me and you, she is quite good at it, but I was getting a bit fed up looking out of the window especially as there weren't any birdies at the feeder, so I decided to see what was behind my television. Now, that sounds quite simple, doesn't it? But the score was all level and I must have upset the old dear's concentration, 'cos as she shouted at me, she missed the last two balls and lost the match. Oops

I decided to stay behind my television as I had worked out that it might be the safest place to be until the smoke had stopped coming out of my MH's lugs!

To say she was not best pleased is a slight understatement! I think I will have to dig up some very special purrs and squeaks to get back into the good books again.

I wonder how long it will take me this time?


  1. Ooh squeakers can I bribe you with your special food to do that when I am playing on the wii with your MH please? I might stand a chance of winning then!

  2. Hello auntie S. Yes, I will do that for you 'cos you need to get a wee shot at winning--at least once! Hee hee. You don't need to bribe me 'cos I would like to help you, but if you insist in giving me something nice then it would be very rude of me to refuse, wouldn't it? :-))

  3. Yes I think your MH fixes it so she can win so I always lose AND she laughs when I do. Naughty MH! Thank yog for your help!
