Wednesday 4 September 2013

I am very happy.....

..... because I have had a very good day and that always makes me a happy puss. I stayed out late last night so I didn't get up very early this morning, but when I did, I got a very pleasant surprise 'cos I saw sheeps in the field in front of my living room and I recognised some of them from when they were baby sheeps. As soon as I had my breakfast, I went to talk to them and they were very pleased to see me. This Jacobs sheep is my bestest friend and we played for a long time together and we both liked it a lot.


The nice farmer next door shifts all his sheeps to different fields so that they can get lots of grass to eat, but I hope they are in my field for a long time 'cos then I will have someone to play with.

You know I love my humans and they play with me whenever I ask, but it is lovely to have some animals to watch and to talk to, so I am very happy right now.

My DH went away to the cat shop and my MH had to go out for a wee while too, and she was even longer today because she is looking after some little animals for a friend who is away on holiday and I thought you might like to see these beautiful little baby chicks. They are lovely, and although I say it myself, they are almost as adorable as me---almost!

My MH was playing with her new camera again, so I decided I would help her out by doing some posing and she took this one of me which I think is very lovely and I am sure you will agree.

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