Thursday 29 August 2013

What a day

 I didn't stay out too late last night, but by the time I went home, I had done all I wanted to and I had seen all my little friends so I decided that my place right then was in my little bed beside my little MH.

I have been outside a lot today and have been nipping in and out of my window at regular intervals, but what an afternoon I have had.

I was lying on my couch having a little siesta and resting my adorable little bones when my door opened and in came a daddy with a little human child who decided that she wanted to play with me. This was fine, but she wanted to cuddle me and catch me and hug me tighter than I like being hugged, so I did my famous disappearing trick and went underneath my couch!


I can get underneath my couch at the back, but the humans can't reach me--not even little children humans and that suits me just fine. I go there when people I don't know come into my house and I lie there and listen to what they are all saying and if I think that I will like them and if I think that they will see I am adorable, then I suddenly appear! Hey Presto! It is a very good hidey place.

So anyway, back to this afternoon. After the baby human and her daddy went away, I decided that I needed a cuddle so I nipped up on my MH's knee and we were just settling down to some 'together' time, when blow me, my door opened again and in came a lady to see my MH.

Now this lady has been before and she has a very loud voice, so I decided that my little hidey place was the best place to be, so hey presto (again!), I was off under my couch where I stayed until she went away.

I thought that I would be able to continue where I had left off on my MH's knee, but I was not at all happy when she told me she had to go out. Boo :-(

Anyway, she came back soon and guess where I went? Yep. Right up on her knee where I got my cuddle at last, and because it was so late, my MH told me it was a very special one, so that's OK.

I hope your afternoon has been better than mine. :-)))

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