Wednesday 31 July 2013

Very Back to Normal

I didn't even mind the awful vacuum cleaner coming out today 'cos I knew my humans were back into my routine again and that made me very content.

My two friends J. and A. came to see me last night. I think they had been missing me, and I made my MH laugh 'cos I left her knee where I had been sleeping and curled up on J.'s knee and went to sleep again. I like my friends and I know they like me.

It has been a nice day today so I have been outside a lot and I helped my MH hang out her washing. I did feel sorry for the old dear as she had an awful lot of washing to do, but I helped cheer her up when she was hanging it on the rope 'cos I ran round and round my garden and climbed the poles just before she reached them, and that always makes her laugh.

I took my DH into our greenhouse and showed him all our tomatoes which are starting to go red, so he was very pleased with me too.


So you can see that we are all back to normal again and that is just the way I like it, thank you very much!

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