Saturday 23 February 2013

All About Me

I haven't been doing very much today, so I thought I would tell you about a few of my favourite things, ---- cue Julie Andrews Hee hee :))

When I have my dinner at night and have been out for a short ramble round my estate, my very favourite thing to do is to come in and sit on my MH's knee and if she is using her laptop, I cuddle, or coorie, in beside her and put my adorable little head on her keyboard, but if she is not using it, then I sit on her knee and I put my head under her chin and she strokes me till I go to sleep. I am sure I have heard the old dear snoring too as we are both so comfortable!

Then when it is bedtime, another of my favourite things is to lie right next to her and when she puts out the light, she strokes my lugs and tells me she loves me and that makes me the happiest pussy cat in the world. I wait till she goes to sleep and then I nip out and terrorise my neighbourhood!! Hee hee


I have sent you a couple of pictures today and one is of yours truly playing in the wee garden in front of my living room window and the other one is of a couple of the boats that are working away out in the sea in front of my living room where they are doing all the tidal power stuff that I don't understand, but I like to watch the boats.


If you look closely at the picture, you can see a long black and orange 'thing' and everybody here calls it the 'sausage' and that gets pulled up and down the sea in front of my house too, so sometimes the sea is quite busy!

And, I got a big surprise today 'cos when I was out playing I saw a baby black lamb being born, so I will ask my MH to try and get a picture of it for you, but I shall go and have a chat to it tonight, if the mummy sheeps says it is OK 'cos I don't want to frighten it.

It is very beautiful.

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