Thursday 11 October 2012

Housework! Bah!

Chez Squeak has been very busy today with both humans working very hard and just generally disturbing yours truly, which is just not on.

DH had his orders to get all the woodwork in my kitchen finished and then all of his tools out of the utility room and the porch so that MH could get cleaning.

I lay on the back of my couch having a lovely dream about cat food and mouses, when the vacuum cleaner arrived. Not on its own, you understand! My dear MH was behind it singing gaily to herself and waving her duster at the ornaments, so I took myself off with a few cat sweary words muttered under my breath ---I am always mindful of the soup pot--- and headed into my bedroom where I eventually settled myself down, re-wound my dream to where I had left off and snoozed again.

No sooner had I finished dream number one and was just about to launch into a new one, when MH, duster and Hoover arrived in THAT room, so I took off again. I am actually quite glad I was wakened up at that time, although that is between you and me dear reader,'cos I went back into my living room and sat on the window sill beside the open window, and I got the biggest surprise of my adorable little life when two enormous jet planes flew just above my house. They were so close, I could almost see the drivers!

There are a lot of these fast jets fly over my little island 'cos they practice their low-flying here, but I have never seen them THAT low. And what a noise they made! It nearly hurt my little lugs, so it did.

Anyway, I then went into the workshop with my DH to see how he was getting on with the wood, and it is looking nice so I think the Boss will be pleased and we will all get peace for a while. Now, in case you are wondering when me and my DH got a workshop, well it is just the greenhouse in winter when there are no plants in it. Dear old DH needs a place to hide, so in winter it is a workshop. See?

Me and my MH then had a long play so that kept me happy and she has promised that I won't see the vacuum cleaner again until Monday. Oh joy!! :)))

1 comment:

  1. We live near an airforce base, and have planes flying over us all the time. I think they use our orange roofed barn to line up with the runway. :)
