Monday 13 August 2012

Sleepy time puss

That's what my MH has been singing to me today 'cos I am turning night into day and that's what the song says.

I slept on my MH's knee last night while she watched the Olympics ceremony and she said I was snoring, but who knows? I just know I was tired and I had a very good sleep.

When it was all finished, we went out into the garden 'cos she said there might be some falling stars to see and she said if I found one, I could keep it, but it was too cloudy which was a shame. Maybe we can look again tonight.

My MH went away to bed and so I went out hunting and I was out nearly all night, so you can see why I need my sleep today.

I was a wee bit not best pleased at all today at my humans 'cos just as I was settling down to have my snooze, my DH arrived with a machine that I had never seen before and started working with it in my living room.

Oh my dear friends---feline and otherwise---it was awful. A million times, nay, a trillion times worse that the vacuum cleaner and lawn mower put together! It was a carpet shampoo-er and what a noise it made. I did not like it AT ALL, so I took myself off to one of my many resting places until I found the quietest one and then I managed to nod off for a while.

Fortunately, said machine didn't stay out too long and I was able to take up my rightful place on my couch.

I am hoping to go out again tonight and maybe I will see the falling stars and if I do, I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

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