Sunday 26 August 2012

Fun Time

It has been a good day today so I have been outside nearly all the time and that has made me very happy. The sun has been shining and it has been warm. In fact, at one point in the afternoon, it was nearly too hot for me.

My friend S. came to see me and she and my MH sat outside on my bench and of course, yours truly had to be there as well, but I had to shelter under our bird table 'cos I was too hot. I could still see them and hear them talking about me, but I was in the shade so it was a bit cooler.

I went with my humans to do their work. My DH went into our greenhouse and I helped him there before going into the gym with my MH to purr encouragement as her wee legs did all their exercises.

Some of the farmers on my little island are busy working to bring in the hay for the winter and when I sit up on my gate post I can watch then all working and that's what I was doing today when my MH creeped up on me with her camera.

I think I must be the most photographed puss in the en-tire world. Hee hee :))

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