Tuesday 31 July 2012

More Happy

I haven't been doing very much with my MH today 'cos we had a visitor and she and my MH spent the afternoon chatting, so I had to entertain my dear little self, although I did help my DH. He had to give the lady cows their water and I had to go and show him what to do, and we did it good.

My MH's friend hadn't seen me before and she joined the rest of the world in thinking that I am adorable. Sigh! :) She talked to me and stroked me and told me I was beautiful, so I liked this lady a lot.

She brought my MH a present that her daughter had made and it is an oil painting of-----ME! She did it from a photograph and it is lovely and very like me. I shall ask my MH to take a picture of it and show it to you sometime, and you know she always does what I ask her.

It is a lovely evening now, so I am having my after-dinner snooze and then I shall hit the bright lights of my little island and party until well into the morning! It was after three o'clock when I got home this morning and I am beginning to like being out nearly all night.

There is so much to do and so many animals to talk to that I am kept busy until my bed time, which I must admit is getting later and later, but I am very happy.

I am also quite cheeky and this is what I did last night when I saw my MH trying to play on her computer. And guess who won?

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