Monday 23 July 2012

I'm Worried...

.... about my MH! I think the woman is obsessed by machinery! Why do I think this?

Well, today we all got up early and we were having a nice wee blether with me sitting very comfortably on her knee and I was just about to doze off into my mouse dreaming state, when she decided it was time for the vacuum cleaner, so our peace was well and truly disturbed and me and my DH disappeared---very quickly--into our greenhouse!

All the bits and pieces in my house got cleaned and then it was time for the gym---another couple of machines!---and she did her walking and cycling and I played about on the grass and then sat on the chair and watched her.

We had a wee seat on my couch when she was finished and I was just about to think that normality had returned when I heard the dreaded words 'lawn mower' and away we were again with the awfulest machine of them all and she cut all my grass.

I watched from the sidelines as she decapitated all the little daisies and every now and then I chased a butterfly or a fly or a bit of grass or anything that moved really and I enjoyed myself, but then when all the mowing was done, my MH played with me and it felt good on all the new cut grass, so I won't complain too much, but my MH DOES like her machines!

I will rest now 'cos I am going out hunting later on and I know for certain that where I am going, there will be NO machines.

I simply will NOT allow it. :)))

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