Saturday 7 April 2012

I'm Back!

Well, I was never really away, but my picture is back. And if you look very carefully, you will see one of the Tall Ships called the Golden Leeuw in the water behind me as I am trying to steal the birdies food! The big boat is here for Easter and it is taking people on sails to the Old Man of Hoy and other places as well. It is beautiful. My MH has been out with her camera taking lots of pictures and I went out to help her,of course!

I wasn't very happy with my humans last night and I will tell you why 'cos I know you will want to know what made this adorable little pussycat unhappy.

Picture the scene. They had been out all day, so after our dinner, I cuddled up on my MH's knee and prepared for a wee snooze when I heard her rustling and when I looked up, I saw she was wielding the dreaded WORMER!

I was off! Like the shot out of a gun. I ran round and round my living room with my humans chasing me and it was like something out of a cartoon until I nipped under my couch and then I discovered to my great delight that my humans didn't fit in under my couch. Hee hee!

But then my tummy let me down---again! 'cos my MH rustled the packet with my treats in it and when I stuck my adorable little head out to get one, I was grabbed! Oh the indignity of it all. And then she stuck the awful wormer stuff on the back of the same adorable little neck!

Now. I know, I know, I know it is good for me and keeps me very healthy, but I still do not like it at all and I shall continue to run them a merry dance every time I see it.

And on that dear reader, you have my word!

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