Friday 6 April 2012

Another Friday......

.....when I have been left all alone while my humans have been away enjoying themselves! If this continues, I shall have to take drastic action. They should know that their place is right by my side whenever I feel like it!

There is an excuse for my DH as he was helping in the Cat Protection shop, so I don't really mind that, but my MH was away lunching with a friend of hers, and I'm not too happy about that at all.

Mind you, she did make a big fuss of me when she came home and she played with me and took me into the garden, so I can almost forgive her.

Now! the eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that my picture is not on today's blog and I shall tell you why this is. My MH loves lighthouses and there are pictures of lighthouses in the storms and she likes those, so when she was in the Cats shop today talking to my DH, she saw one for sale and brought it home and I liked it too. So I thought that she should tell you that we have two lighthouses on my little island.

One is right below my house and you will probably have seen it in some of my pictures, but this other one is at the other end of my island and you would not have seen it, so I said she should put on this picture.

And being a very good MH, she did just that, so I hope you like it.

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