Sunday 25 March 2012

Pole Dancing Puss

It is a lovely day. My little friend the weather man said it would be and he was right.

I have been outside all day doing pussy cat things while my DH was watching the football on my TV and my MH was doing stuff as well, so I knew they were OK and I went out and had great fun.

Then my MH came out with the washing and I had more fun. My DH had to put up a new clothes rope for her 'cos the wind broke the other one---even when there was nothing on it! But it is such a good day that she wanted to put out the washing, so my DH put up a nice white rope for her and she was happy.

While she was pegging everything on the new rope, I decided to see if I could still climb my poles and I took a run at it and this is where I landed. I think I look really brilliant and I am delighted that I remembered how to climb, and I have been up and down the poles all day, so I am a wee bit tired now, and I need a rest.

But I shall be attacking them again later!!

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