Wednesday 28 March 2012

Oh dear....

....all our good weather has disappeared again and it has been raining today and my DH hasn't finished all his work, so it will need to wait till another day.

I have been inside most of the day catching up with all my sleep although I did manage to catch two flies that were climbing up my window, so that's enough work for one day.

My DH was away to the Cat Protection shop today and my MH always has to go out for a wee while on Wednesday, so I was left alone, but I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

I forgot to tell you yesterday that I overheard a conversation between my humans which upset me a bit 'cos they were talking about the LAWN MOWER! I guess we might be getting towards that time of year when IT comes out again.

I might ask the nice farmer man next door if he has any books about lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners, and I am going to learn how to sabotage them, although I won't tell him what I am thinking. Hee hee! :)))

I am determined to have a quiet life one way or another!

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