Wednesday 15 February 2012


.... the wind didn't go away and it is still blowing today, so I have been an inside pussy cat.

I went out to play last night and I was out for hours and hours and I had brilliant fun. I chased some mouses and I listened to all the wee birds and I saw beetles and spiders and things and I sniffed lots of places and explored lots of other places and I was the contentest wee cat in the EN-TIRE world.

When I finally went home, my MH was already in her bed, but she was reading, so I cuddled up beside her and told her all the things I had done---in pussy cat language, of course, which she understands perfectly!---and then we both had a good long sleep.

She went out this morning for a wee while and I was a bit tired, so I just had a nap until she came home and then I watched her as she made some cards---but I didn't help her this time---and then we played with my toys and she tickled me and that was fun.

I have just been fed and have had a wee trip outside but it is a tad cold for me, so I think I may save my energy for later on and go hunting when it is really dark.

I wonder what I will find tonight?

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