Sunday 8 January 2012


There are sheeps in the field in front of my house again, so I have some company and I can go and talk to them whenever I want and that makes me very happy indeed. The nice farmer put them there yesterday, but it was too wet and windy for me to go out, but I have been to see them today and they were very pleased to see me.

It is just mummy sheeps just now, but in a wee while the farmer will put a daddy sheep in the field and he will talk to the mummy sheeps and then wee baby sheeps appear. I'm not sure how it all happens, and when I asked my MH to explain, she said I was still a bit too young, but I shall look on my computer and try and find out 'cos I am curious.

Or maybe I will just ask the mummy sheeps 'cos they MUST know! Once I have found out, I can tell you if you like?

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