Thursday 15 December 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

It is finally here! I am two today, but if I had been living in New Zealand where my friend is, I would have been two yesterday!!

I have had a BRILLIANT day. I got a new mouse, and my very favourite dinner which was some beef and I ate it all up, and my DH is putting new feathers on my very favourite toy. I went outside for a walk with my MH and the wee birdies were singing 'happy birthday' to me and that made me very happy.

My humans have been playing with me all day and my little tummy has been tickled lots. My MH's friend came in to see me and she said 'happy birthday' to me too, so I am very, very happy.

It is a good day with weather, so I am going out to play tonight for a long, long time and I am looking forward to that.

I have had to pose for a birthday picture to let you see me 'cos my MH says the Queen does that, and I had to do it too, so there is a new picture of the growed up me on my blog, and I hope you like it.

Thank you to Satchmo and Zebby Cat for your birthday wishes. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

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