Monday 19 September 2011

Much Busier

I have been doing lots and lots today and I am so tired now that I am going to have a sleep in my wee house.

It has been a lovely day and my DH decided to go to Kirkwall and do some shopping so it just left us girls at home and what a great day we have had! It started off with my MH changing the sheets and the duvet covers, and you don't need me to tell you what that means? GREAT fun---for me that is. I hide in the covers and I roll in the sheets when they are coming off and I dive around like a two year old. Oops, I'm not a two year old until December. I wonder what I'll be like then?

Then all the dirty washing went in the machine and we went into they gym and while my MH was working hard, I went away playing and exploring. There are lots of places for me to go 'cos my house is in the middle of a farm. It is not my farm, 'cos it belongs to the nice man next door and he lets me play in all his fields, so today I went into the field outside my living room window and when my MH was doing her exercises she could watch me 'cos the gym has windows in it too. She said I made her giggle 'cos I was stalking everything----flies, grass, birds---anything that moved really, but I never caught anything. I just had the bestest of fun.

When she was finished, so was the washing and we took it out into the garden to hang it up and I decided to do my pole dancing again which takes a lot of energy and concentration, but I managed to climb all three poles, although not all at once.

So you can see why I am a wee bit exhausted now, and why I need a sleep.

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