Friday 9 September 2011

I have learned.....

..... a valuable lesson today which I thought I would like to share with you. Me and my DH can't get into the oven at the same time!

Now. While you are reading that again, I shall explain. My MH asked my DH to clean the oven for her 'cos it was getting dirty and so he was on his hands and knees cleaning away when yours truly decided to have a closer look. You know how fond I am of 'closer' looks.

So. I wandered over to have said 'closer look' and just as I was about to stick my adorable little head inside the oven, my DH did the same and it was then that I discovered there is not room for both of us, and since I had no intention of cleaning the oven, I wandered off again and left him to it.

He has finished now and the Boss is pleased.

Today's picture is me beside a lamp that my DH made with nails and string and me and my MH think it is beautiful, so I hope you like it too.


  1. What a stunning lamp picture - your DH is very clever!

    And you are so clever to snuggle down beside the picture so I can understand scale/size of DH's lamp string skills.

    I hope your tomato plants are behaving and fruiting heaps for your Humans, sending love, care and huggles to you all,

    Zebby Cat's human, Michelle (with Zebby Cat warming up His bed on the spots where he lets me sleep, bless him)

  2. I'm glad you and Zebby like my picture 'cos we like it too. My tomatoes are doing very well and my MH is very pleased with them all, so I have been getting lots of praise and lots of cuddles and tummy tickles which you know I just love.

    Lots of purrs and squeaks to you and Zebby
