Saturday 29 January 2011

WELL........ window plan didn't work last night, but it nearly did. Let me explain. I was sitting very quietly and very innocently while my humans were getting ready to go to the Hall for their Wii night, and I pretended I didn't mind at all. So far so good.

The weather sounded fine and I was sure my luck was in especially when my MH told my DH that she would leave the window open for me. YESSSSS!! I was delirious with happiness and anticipation. So just as they were about to leave, my MH opened the window, and I couldn't believe my adorable little eyes, 'cos the horrible wind had got up and the curtains were flying all over the place. Even the pictures were grabbing on to the walls in case they would blow away. So guess what? The window got closed again. NOOOOOOO!!!!

I was a very disappointed pussy cat and even a special cuddle from MH just before she left didn't help at all. I had to be content with having a wee snooze till they came back, which wasn't too late.

Things then got much, much better 'cos when they came in, I went out the door side of the house which was a wee bit sheltered, and I found a MOUSE!!! YESSSS again! We played for ages and ages running round my garden and then finally it got away from me and I went inside and went to sleep.

So, all in all, it wasn't a bad night, but I am just a tad tired today. All this big game hunting is exhausting for a peedie (wee) pussy cat.

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