Friday 17 December 2010


Remember yesterday I hoped the snow would be better today? Well, I was right, and it is---much, much better.

It has been snowing a lot and because there has been a big wind at the same time, there are HUGE piles of snow everywhere and my garden is all covered in snow and I am loving it again. There is a great big mountain of snow just inside our gate so we can't get the car out and one of our friends had to bring our messages up from the pier, so all my food has arrived safely.

My MH took me out into the garden and we had great fun. I jumped in the snow and shovelled it with my adorable little nose and my MH made funny designs with her footprints so we both had good fun. After that, I had a wee rest and then I went out again, but this time all by myself.

It was beginning to get dark when I went out, but it looked quite bright because of the snow, so I could see every thing. I explored and sniffed and jumped and ran until my little legs were tired and my adorable wee feets were cold, and then I went back into my house.

I will probably go out again soon.

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